Name: Obaba

Alias: Obaba

Birthday: August 15th

Sign: Leo

Element: Fire

Sex: Female

Fav Color: PURPLE!! =X

Why I joined this AGAML© Staff: I joined of my own free will, not because Rei threatened my life or the lives of my pets. ¬.¬

Occupation: I am an artist, although I had a stint of training in Computers and Electronics with Rei-chan. I am currently trying to launch a comic ( who isn't? ) and always in search of free food. =d

Hobbies: My hobbies are drawing, reading, eating, sleeping, watching Anime, playing Video Games, ( Yeah Rei, kick my arse in "Puzzle Fighter" why doncha? >=P )

Fav Anime: makes NO sense.

Fav Video Game: The one I can't put down? Monster Rancher ( Monster Farm ) until Monster Rancher 2

Fav Food: Mostly a lot, but Spanzarotti is my fav.

Lifetime Goal: My lifetime goal is to set up a shaved ice stand on I-95 and make a quiet fortune ... or live in a big house with 50 billion cats.

Quote: Eating again? No, still.

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